Well it nearly is… On October 12th we’ll be celebrating our Birthday with a bash! As you’d expect by now right?

All details of the competition are below, we’d love it if you could all make it… so please all of you come!

To help us prepare though, could you book yourselves in to the competition below. It’s free to do and it helps us out a bunch with planning!

Speaking of being helpful… Big thanks to our sponsors Core Climbing and Rab for their support.

It’s our birthday coming up and that can only mean a big ol’ competition to celebrate. We’re going to be rocking the same format, so that’s 25 qualifiers and a LIVE FINALS again… It’s too good to miss!

From 10am-2pm on Saturday 12th October there’ll be no less than 25 fun competition blocs to sink your teeth into. These will be a fun set for all to go at graded from V’easy’ to V’no chance’.

Lots of prizes to be won across all categories which are U14’s, Veterans (40+), Legends (60+) and Open (M/F). Anybody can enter the Open category but all categories are initially decided by age, just make sure you’ve circled your desired category. A points system for the climbs are as follows:

10 points – 1st attempt

7 points – 2nd attempt

5 points – 3rd attempt

3 points – 4+ attempts

Then, the top 6 competitors from the Open Male and Female categories will have a showdown for all to watch! With this starting at 3pm. There may also be another surprise or 2 along the way as well.

The cost is your standard entry fee, so this effectively means the competition is FREE TO ENTER. So that’s all the more reason to get yourself down to us that day. And, if you’ve read this far, please return to the top of the screen to book onto the comp… this is free to do and helps us plan properly!